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Finger Pointing to Moon

Somebody at some point have pointed towards moon but it's different.We are so much engaged in social life that we forget the 3rd Dimension i.e our thinking which does not involve us.Recall the last time you have thought about nothingness and movement of galaxies or pressure of ocean floor.One does not think these often because these type of thinking exist when you are above 2 dimension thinking.Nothingness in your mind is hardest thing to do.You can't have empty mind for 5 minutes.In the book he talked about how you can reshape your brain to master Nothingness.

Here he mentions Adhyatma Upanishad which I won't go in deep but an insight which states that one who shuns the ego of “I and Mine” will be aware of his state of Pratyagatma (Brahman in an individual), of intellect. His aim should be of selflessness without pursuing worldly things with total obliviousness to sleeping, gossip, and sounds. He should surrender his Atman (soul) to Paramatman, the Supreme Soul. In order to realize Atman, he should not pay any attention to his impure body, a parental burden, which is to be shunned like an out caste. A orthodox and perennial thinking but having Idealistic approach is always a guiding goal.

Must Read Book

- Chetanjeev Singh Bains

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